Friday, December 3, 2010

In Person: Douglas Trumbull on Blade Runner

Legendary visual effects wizard Douglas Trumbull will be in attendance to give a two-hour presentation on the special effects design for Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, which contrasts the sterile "technotopia" of 2001 with a vision of a very different (and darker) future.

Thursday December 9, 2010 - 08:00 PM

Bell Lightbox
Reitman Square
350 King Street West
Entertainment District
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3X5

More information here.

Please note that this presentation was previously listed in their programme guide, 180°, as a screening introduced by Mr. Trumbull. The screening of Blade Runner, preceded by La Jetée, will now take place at 10:30pm, following Mr. Trumbull's presentation, in order to give audiences the unique opportunity to have more time with Mr. Trumbull and then watch the film.

(The movie is also showing the following night.)

Dark Hearts: Blade Runner video homage

Blade Runner 60

“Blade Runner should’ve been set in London. Londoners practically live in the movie,” Richard Cosgrove muttered to himself - not for the first time.

"Soho and Piccadilly Circus’ streets are surreal places in the darkness of the night. The neon-lit roads are packed with every imaginable type of person," he went on in his mind. Then he smiled to himself, and said aloud, “I am standing in the middle of Blade Runner.”

His goal? To remake the science-fiction classic Blade Runner in under 60 seconds. And all to win the Done in Sixty Seconds film competition.

Done in Sixty Seconds is a short film competition with a deceptively simple premise: remake a hit Hollywood film in under a minute.

Richard Cosgrove is a London-based journalist, screenwriter, regular twitterer and irregular blogger and director. Blade Runner 60 will be his second film as a writer-director. You can find out more about him and contact him through his website.

Keep up to date with Blade Runner 60 at his project website.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Replicants on the Radio

This coming morning at 1:30 a.m., (December 2, 2010), on Jim Freund’s “Hour of the Wolf” he will discuss Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. He’ll be joined by Matthew Kressel, and playwright Edward Einhorn whose play of the same title is currently at the Untitled Theater No. 61 near Battery Park in Manhattan. He’ll be there as resident Blade Runner expert to compare and contrast the film with the novel, as well as talk about their adaptation of the work. Should be an interesting night. Should you be up that hour, you can tune in live on 99.5 FM in NY, or online at The podcast of the show will be available after at

The show also features a radio interview with Philip K. Dick back in the 1970's, and talks about DADoES's first screenplay for first movie option of book.